Archive for Juni, 2006

Extra, Extra – Read The News!

taz - dubstep - angerissen
Ausschnitt aus der taz-Titelseite von heute.

Nicht um Gen-Gemüse, sondern um Dubstep im Allgemeinen und um die DMZ-Parties im Besonderen geht es in dem Artikel aus meiner Feder, den die taz heute veröffentlicht hat. Einige der Interviews, die ich für das Feature geführt habe, werde ich in den nächsten Tagen an dieser Stelle posten. Hold tight!

The German newspaper „taz“ published a background feature on dubstep (scribbled by yours truly) today. I’ll be posting some of the interviews I did for the article in full length soon. Hold tight!

Add comment Juni 16th, 2006

Kick It Like GrimeTime

grime time 16.06.

Three amazing facts about the upcoming GrimeTime night:

1. Admission will be free. (Thanks to a certain sports equipment company from Herzogenaurach…)
2. I’ll be playing there for the first time. (Get ready for a baaaad grime/dubstep mash-up set…)
3. Ivory Coast will beat the Netherlands on the same day. (Trust me! I’ll be celebrating behind the decks…)

Add comment Juni 13th, 2006

Berlin Got Pinched

Pinch @ The Cell 08.06.06

The first official Freak Camp Session is history now – and boy, it was a blast! DJ Pinch tore the place apart with some deadly dubs and Ears, Knucklez and Gully Rainjah of the Neckle Camp passed through for a surprise performance on the mic. For visual evidence of the action check the gallery.

Add comment Juni 11th, 2006

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