Bass Meditation

Mai 13, 2006Dubstep,Grime

Mala @ DMZ 06.05.06
Pictures from last week’s massive DMZ rave @ Mass (Brixton) can be found here.

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. zoopersound » ̶&hellip   Juli 24, 2006 at 3:39 am

    […] Two weeks before I did this interview on the phone, I had been visiting the now almost legendary DMZ rave at Mass in Brixton, South London (check my photos here). DMZ has become the central night for the dubstep scene, if not even a kind of its spiritual centre. As it’s taking place in the back part of a church in which front part actual services are still held, you might think DMZ’s slogan “Come and meditate on bass weight” is just a cheap promotional joke. But the dedicated vibe of the crowd, how it enthusiasticly celebrated the music and itself, swaying in unison with the waves of bass, really resembled a bit of a spiritual congregation. One of the promoters of the night is Mala, who is also one half of the production outfit Digital Mystikz and part of the DMZ label team. DMZ are not only responsible for the most important rave of the scene, but have also been very influential on the sound aesthetics and the musical evolution of dubstep since their first release about three years ago. So here’s Mala in his own words on his musical influences, sound systems, spirituality and much more…. […]

  • 2. The Urban Word&hellip   April 08, 2012 at 1:49 pm

    […] been visiting the now almost legendary DMZ rave at Mass in Brixton, South London (check my photoshere). DMZ has become the central night for the dubstep scene, if not even a kind of its spiritual […]

  • 3. “Writing Music Is Like &hellip   Mai 04, 2015 at 9:39 pm

    […] been visiting the now almost legendary DMZ rave at Mass in Brixton, South London (check my photoshere). DMZ has become the central night for the dubstep scene, if not even a kind of its spiritual […]

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